让人头痛的C语言 - C语言批判资料合集
A: 解释对了,然后初学者觉得麻烦,不想学了?语言从来不是本质,谭书看看入个门就挺好。 B: 解释对了就让人觉得麻烦的语言,本来就不适合用来入门。
C语言之父丹尼斯里奇对ISO C前身ANSI C草案的批评:
Dennis Ritchie. 1988. noalias comments to X3J11. (March 1988). https://groups.google.com/g/comp.lang.c/c/K0Cz2s9il3E/m/YDyo_xaRG5kJ
“The fundamental problem is that it is not possible to write real programs using the X3J11 definition of C. The committee has created an unreal language that no one can or will actually use.”
“the committee is planting timebombs that are sure to explode in people’s faces. Assigning an ordinary pointer to a pointer to a ‘noalias’ object is a license for the compiler to undertake aggressive optimizations that are completely legal by the committee’s rules, but make hash of apparently safe programs.”
Clang编译器主开发者之一Chris Lattner在博客中对未定义行为的意见:
“UB is an inseperable part of C programming, […] this is a depressing and faintly terrifying thing. The tooling built around the C family of languages helps make the situation less bad, but it is still pretty bad. The only solution is to move to new programming languages that dont inherit the problem of C. Im a fan of Swift, but there are others.”
”[…] many seemingly reasonable things in C actually have undefined behavior, and this is a common source of bugs in programs. Beyond that, any undefined behavior in C gives license to the implementation (the compiler and runtime) to produce code that formats your hard drive, does completely unexpected things, or worse”
“The idiotic C alias rules aren’t even worth discussing. They were a mistake. The kernel doesn’t use some “C dialect pretty far from standard C”. Yeah, let’s just say that the original C designers were better at their job than a gaggle of standards people who were making bad crap up to make some Fortran-style programs go faster. They don’t speed up normal code either,they just introduce undefined behavior in a lot of code. And deleting NULL pointer checks because somebody made a mistake, and then turning that small mistake into a real and exploitable security hole? Not so smart either. “
A simple, possibly correct LR parser for C11
// typedef_star.c
typedef int T;
void f(void) {
T * b;
// variable_star.c
int T, b;
void f(void) {
T * b;
A Special Kind of Hell - intmax_t in C and C++
类型被设计用于提高应用的可移植性,但由于共享库的大量使用,这一愿景变成了彻头彻尾的空头支票。正如原文所说:We cannot upgrade seamlessly.
也没有标题说得那么可怕,glic和musl libc之类的库通过一种叫做symbol versioning的老旧技术避免了类似的ABI Breaking问题,详情可直接看同作者的另一篇博客:To Save C, We Must Save ABI
“But C Is ABI-Stable?!”
Not necessarily. C is a simple language, and it both sells itself on and prides itself as such. So much so, that it’s even part of the [language’s rolling charter](https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2021.htm).
There’s barely any name mangling because there’s no overloading. If you want “virtual functions” you need to hand-craft your virtual table structure and initialize it yourself. There’s barely any lookup or entity negotiation: what you write – [however scary or cursed](https://twitter.com/thingskatedid/status/1328918322507706368) – is what you get, in a general sense. (No, it’s not “portable assembly”. Compilers tear C code apart and make it far more efficient than the code people stuff into it. It’s not even a direct model of the machine anymore: just an abstract one.)
#define imaxabs __glibc228_imaxabs
这样的宏进行封装,It is a bit like artisanal, hand- crafted, free-range, and organic ABI versioning (or, as I have affectionately come to call it: personal masochism to make up for language failures).
大多数时候它可以工作,少数时候不行。详情请阅读C标准的§7.1.4, 这一小节的名字是”ABI Breaks Guaranteed”.
其实不是,这一小节真正的标题是”Use of library functions”, 原文整段转载于此:
Any function declared in a header may be additionally implemented as a function-like macro defined in the header, so if a library function is declared explicitly when its header is included, one of the techniques shown below can be used to ensure the declaration is not affected by such a macro. Any macro definition of a function can be suppressed locally by enclosing the name of the function in parentheses, because the name is then not followed by the left parenthesis that indicates expansion of a macro function name. For the same syntactic reason, it is permitted to take the address of a library function even if it is also defined as a macro. The use of
to remove any macro definition will also ensure that an actual function is referred to.
(max)(value0, value1)
namespace std {
extern "C" __int128_t __i128abs (__int128_t v2) noexcept;
using intmax_t = __int128_t;
struct __imaxabs {
using __imaxabs_ptr = intmax_t(*)(intmax_t) noexcept;
constexpr __imaxabs_ptr operator& () const noexcept {
return &__i128abs;
constexpr operator __imaxabs_ptr () const noexcept {
return &__i128abs;
inline constexpr const __imaxabs imaxabs = __imaxabs{};
开玩笑的,原作者抱怨了C++的保守和对C标准库内容的大量保留,说C++本有机会成为更好的C,But we explicitly choose for it not to be.
不过这位仁兄着实是有能人士,他在另一篇博客To Save C, We Must Save ABI中不光指出了C的问题症结,还给出了他亲手操刀实现的一套手术方案。
加一条从群友处得知的私货:C99/C11的预处理算术依赖于intmax_t/unitmax_t语义, 但是在对字符常量做算术时又会有一点微妙的差异
To Save C, We Must Save ABI
C Isn’t A Programming Language Anymore
C语言被误解了,它实际上是编程世界中的lingua franca(通用语),it’s a protocol that every general-purpose programming language needs to speak.
How ISO C became unusable for operating systems development
这篇论文还有一篇作为前驱的博客:Depressing and faintly terrifying days for the C standard - C STANDARD UNDEFINED BEHAVIOR VERSUS WITTGENSTEIN
Either C will fade away as Lattner and many others hope, the standard will change, or there will be a successful fork to produce a more precise and flexible standard.
(要么ISO C语言革自己的命,要么大家搞个C方言然后逐步迁移过去)
Limitations of ISO C for OS development have been noted in academic literature:
“Systems or library C codes often cannot be written in standard-conformant C” [20].
and by practitioners e.g. [38] The primary cause is a design approach in the ISO standard that has given priority to certain kinds of optimization over both correctness and the “high-level assembler” [9] intentions of C, even while the latter remain enshrined in the rationale.
(完全遵守ISO C标准没法写系统/库代码,主要原因是制定标准时过分看重优化而不太在意语义正确性和C作为高级汇编的设计意图。)
顺带一提这作者似乎偏好K&R C
ISO delegates to the compiler a great deal of the control that K&R C divides between the programmer, the environment, and the target architecture but not the compiler
(ISO C把许多K&R C里面由程序员、环境、目标架构控制的东西托付给了编译器)
For an example of an implementation of malloc in K&R(page 187) the text explains there is a question about whether “pointers to different blocks … can be meaningfully compared”, something not guaranteed by the standard. The conclusion is “this version of malloc is portable only among machines for which general pointer comparison is meaningful.” – delegating the semantics to the processor architecture.
(K&R C的malloc语义在符合要求的架构上一致可移植)
Into the Depths of C: Elaborating the De Facto Standards
- Pointers Are Complicated, or: What’s in a Byte?
- A Few Billon Lines of Code Later - Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs in the Real World
2013年,这篇文章的创作团队向一些C语言方面的专业人士(委员会成员,C分析工具开发者,C形式语义专家,编译器作者,系统程序员)提出了42个关于C语言标准的问题。第二次调查于2015年展开(通过技术邮件组和博客),得到了323条回复。他们从调查结果中得以一窥系统程序员所暗自期许的那个”C语言事实标准”(de facto Standard), 不幸地,和ISO标准不是同一个。
Fun with NULL Pointer
作者:Jonathan CorbetJuly
, 然后用一个ioctl()调用设置网络终端。 Herbert Xu发现由于缺少数据包计数机制,有时某个应用会产生大量的内核内存占用,这直接导向整个系统的性能下滑。他的处理方案是这个补丁,一个问题解决,另一个问题被引入。
static unsigned int tun_chr_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait)
struct tun_file *tfile = file->private_data;
struct tun_struct *tun = __tun_get(tfile);
struct sock *sk = tun->sk; //这一行是 Herbert的补丁
unsigned int mask = 0;
if (!tun)
return POLLERR;
- tun在被检查前就已经解引用过了
- 用户不会编写解引用空指针的代码
- 那tun一定是非空的,则下面的检查是不必要的。
此处GCC的推断依据便是所谓的未定义行为(undefined behavior,简称UB)
if (!tun)
return POLLERR;
某位推特用户于2022年6月10日发推抱怨FFmpeg的configure脚本使用一段样例代码中的负数下标(显然是未定义行为)来测试目标机器是否为32位,随后另一位推特用户提醒他FFmpeg的configure脚本是手写的,而非通过gnu autoconf生成。但悲剧的是,autoconf为了兼容不支持C11的编译器同样不会在自动生成的脚本中使用符合标准的static_assert,就连gcc的构建脚本也是维护人员自己改过的。
do you ever think about how the industry-standard way of configuring C projects is to generate a script that tests the host C compiler against hundreds of dummy programs, reporting whether or not they throw errors
for example: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/605b4016b341a0e8035c16d1890e7ddbf891badb/configure#L5394… to test if the host is 32 or 64 bit on x86, `./configure` just declares an array ``` int test[2 * (sizeof(void *) > 4) - 1]; ```
if a pointer is 32 bits, the expr reduces to `int test[-1];`, which will throw an error on GCC. from what I can find in the C spec, negative sized arrays are undefined behaviour, not explicit errors. depending on the host compiler this test could only warn or report incorrectly
I don’t know if newer versions of autoconf use `static_assert` in the outputted configure scripts but in general, there is an unbelievable amount of jank throughout the entire C ecosystem that terrifies me.
I have a hard time believing anyone can make a case for safe C when the build process itself relies on undefined behaviour. “uhh durrrr programmer discipline” is a weak boomer argument that instantly tells me someone is way too stubborn to move on with the times.
actually, I don't know if FFmpeg's configure script was written by hand or not. here's another example from GCC (autoconf generated) https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/a05aac0a130cd4e09530ebeb6beae4e5495ad6bc/configure#L4867… seems like `static_assert` is used on most hosts, save for weird non-ANSI-conforming compilers from compaq and IBM.
-- 以下为回复 --
The FFmpeg one is definitely handwritten, not autoconf. That GCC one uses static_assert in handwritten checks to detect if we have a C++11 compiler, but autoconf itself doesn't use static_assert in its own auto-generated checks. 1/2
Using static_assert would require assuming you already have a C11 compiler, and if you can assume that, you wouldn't bother using autoconf! If you know you have C11, no need to test for basic things like "is this C compiler from some time after 1982 or am I in hell?" 2/2
我一开始也以为这是完全的滥用UB,但是后来经群友提醒发现,至少在C99里面,这样做是有其合理性的,详见5.1.1.3,在preprocessing translation unit / translation unit包含对语法规则或约束的违反时,即使行为是未定义/实现定义的, 也应该有至少一条诊断信息(diagnostic message)。
If you know you have C11, no need to test for basic things like “is this C compiler from some time after 1982 or am I in hell?”
GCC、strict aliasing与恐怖故事
C is Not a Low Level Language - Your computer is not a fast PDP-11
这篇文章除去第一节WHAT IS A LOW-LEVEL LANGUAGE?, 余下的内容基本可以分为两部分,分别对应主标题和副标题
- C Is Not a Low-level Language - 低级语言的关键特性之一是语言的抽象机器模型可以较轻松地对应到物理机器,工业级C编译器复杂的优化和在一些语言细节上语焉不详的ISO C标准使得C语言成功脱离低级语言之列。
- Your computer is not a fast PDP-11 - C的顺序执行模型导致现代硬件不得不在迁就C语言的情况下束手束脚地进行并行优化,畸形膨胀的优化措施最终导致了Meltdown和Spectre这样的致命漏洞。
录入者注:某位arch人提醒我,任何涉及fast/slow path的场合都存在类似的问题